I have been an active member of Bishopston Community Council since I joined in 2018. I put myself forward as a liaison via Facebook, as one of the social media managers. I was one of the only council members who joined and proceeded to co-manage the Gower Isolation Support Group to ensure that vulnerable and shielding members of our community were cared for throughout the pandemic. I have organised litter picks, community events, coffee mornings and much more. I have liaised with the HSA in organising the Easter Event and the Christmas Lantern event, and all whilst undergoing back surgery and through recovery, working full time and being a parent.
I am one of the liaisons between the Pump Park Project and the Council and I also came up with the concept of the Copley Regeneration Project which was unanimously approved by the BCC. I was the main spokesperson for the BCC on BBC News when they attended the Skatepark event in 2020.
I am trustworthy, hardworking generally well organised, tenacious and caring. I really want to improve and maintain facilities and intergenerational relationships within the community. I advocate Justice and equality in all aspects of my life, and I feel that, as the youngest member of the Community Council since 2018 I have brought fresh skills and opinions and a new perspective which has helped the Community Council to engage with the broader community.